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The Milk Bank @ Chester

We believe that every bereaved family across the UK should be given the choice to donate milk in memory of their baby. (The Milk Bank at Chester)

The Milk Bank @ Chester is the largest NHS milk bank in the England and has provided donor milk to over 70 hospital neonatal units. We can supply donor breastmilk anywhere in England and Wales and we aim to make safe, screened donor milk available to any baby that needs it regardless of the location of their birth.

How It All Works

Milk donors are screened and tested . They express milk following our hygiene guidelines and store it in their freezer.

Volunteer drivers collect the milk from the donor families’ homes and deliver it to the milk bank. In some areas blood bike groups also collect from donor families’ homes.

Milk is defrosted, tested and screened .

Milk is despatched to hospitals from the milk bank in Chester and from our network of depots (more information here). We are able to supply milk anywhere in England, Wales and Ireland via blood bike services and a cost effective frozen courier service ensuring milk is kept at optimal temperature during transport.

For Help and Advice

01244 362226


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